dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2015


Txarango is a music group that was created at 2010 by musicians of La garrotxa, el ripollès and other parts of Catalunya, when they started i thought they won't play good music but a day i started listening to their songs and i loved them and i listened them every day, i also learned all their songs. The first CD was nice but the one they have done this year is better, their songs are very cheerful and if you are sad they make you happy and forget all bad things, they also make you dance and sing.
I love them and i think they are one of the best catalan group, i know all their songs and listen to them but what i haven't done is going to a concert of them, i have only seen them online, I want to go to one and be part of the parties they make on their concerts, everybody singing, dancing and jumping, it's awesome.
When I go to a concert it will be like a dream that comes true and I will be very very happy, like a little boy with anew toy.

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