diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


I made an oral presentation with Norden Idir and we think tahat this issue has been quite interesting because we explaind differents types of wedding. Christian wedding, Jewish wedding, Double wedding, Military wedding, Civil wedding, Farmer wedding, Mas wedding, Vow renewal wedding.
And cultures, Muslim cultures, Chrisitan cultures, Jewish cultures, Hindu cultures and Chinese cultures.
They were so different and it was quite curious to look for the information.
I thinks we made a quite good job though. I fail but I learned a lot and I enjoyed baybe it was because I was too nervous and I didin't controls the situation.
I hope to pass the next oral presemtation and improve this kind of stuff.
I read a littel bit, because I'm not prepare the presentation, I'm infuse with Norden. The presentation lasted fourteen minuts.

In my opinion my mark is 6.

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