diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

My dream

My dream is to be football player professional. I like this sport and love playing.
My dream is playing in the best team of the world, FC Barcelona and playing in the Catalan selection. I play in l'Escala FC, in the first league of juvenil. When I was little I think someday play in some team. I watch all the games of Barcelona and Girona FC.
My favourite team's are FC Barcelona, Athletic Club and Girona FC.
But not is my only dream, another dream is travel America and visit the all states of America and the most important cities.


Hawaii 5.0 is a Tv programme, I like this programme because is very realist. This programme consist in five boys and girls in hawaii and they job are policeman. Are there five policman, Steve Mcgarret, Dani Williams, Max, Cono and Chen. They are solve problems and capture murderers, terrorists, trafficants... Steve is the capitan of the group, Dani is the inspector, Chen and Cono are cousins and one is inspector and the other informatic. And Max is the doctor forense,  they resolves the crimms. The secondary actors are Namekona they have a bar in the beach, Huofat is the terrorist and is most dangerous.

Oil price 'may have bottomed out'

Oil rig


OPINION: The actual conflict arround the world is price of oil. The Internacional Energy Agency has said, because the country's they want oil, and the prices are not stabilising and could.
THe prince are rise slighting compared to last year.


USA is a great place to stay, in my opinion, during summer and it’s my favourite place in the world.
On one hand, you can visit whether New york, Washington, L.A, etc. You can do many things like learning a foreign language such as American English, which is different from the U.K.
On the other hand, the weather in U.S.A is different from here, during the winter is very cold and during the summer sometimes very hot. What I like the most of U.S.A are the beaches where you can do surf, windsurf, etc.
Finally, I would like to go there when I turn 18 with my friends, I think it would be the best travel of my life.

Turkey explosion: Ankara car bomb kills at least 27

Scene of blast in Ankara. 13 March 2016. Picture: Serhat


OPINION: Today in Turkey  the terrorists kill 27 people. The war of Syria arrives in Ankara, The situation is very critical and the poblation are not safe. , No group has yet claimed the attack, because the police and governament think is state islamic..

Germanwings crash: Pilot confidentiality 'should be relaxed'

French rescue workers inspects debris from Flight 9525 - March 2015


OPINION: The pilot of Germanwings had psychological problems and they wanted to kill himself. Because the question of this acction nobody knows. He could have killed in other place and whitout innocents. Today the people even ask, why. 

Describe my best friend

I  describe my friend Adrià, he is studing 2n of Batxillerat. He is a very good person. He is eighteen years old. I've knowns him for a long time.
He live in l'Armentera and studying in Castelló d'Empúries.

 He is tall and strong. He has black hair and brown eyes. Adria is a happy boy, likes laughing, telling jokes but he is a llittle bit stubbon.
He is the funniest of the group his personality encorages us all

In summer we always meet in  the afternon and go to the beahc, pool, we play football in l'armentera and go to the parties. He dosen't play any sport, he is all day playing compurtes games and playstation, is very addicted to games and Tv programmes.
This is my best friend.

Jaime Vardy

Jaime Vardy  was born in Sheffield, England. play football in Leicester City. This team is a revelation of Premier League. This is the first England League. When he is little Bardy play football in one  important team. Because are very problematic boy, he liked party, one day in one party they found with on boy and the police arrested he. Put him in reformatory and him out of the team.
One year later, Vardy returned to started playing. In four year passing play in the seventh league to the first league. This year Leicester City will first in Premier League. The people are very surprised with them.


Comunio is a football computer game. Consist in have a team, some players and added point if the team does well. We play four friends, Miquel, Yassin, Norden and me.
I first in the classification, have eight hundred points. Also the administrador is Norden and depending on what makes us stay. The first of the week five thousand euros, the second four thousand, the third three thousand and the last two thaousand euros.
In the comunity there is a tranfer market and which has more money buy the best player and the team value goes up.

Gap year

Jamaica is one island situated in caribean sea. The capital of Jamaica is Kingston.  In this city there are 1 milion people. Jamaica is a very small island. In Kingston people speak English and potois the official lenguage in this country.
The island is divided in 14 parishes.  It's a tropical island. There are a lot of vegetables. Kingston is a very beautifull city become there are a lot of museums is a very exihibitions its history. The beaches is have clean water and the people swim with quietness. Next to the island there are small islands, the tourists visit these islands.  The typical plant is the Marihuana and the typical music is Regea.
Bob Marley is the king of reggea. Usaint Bolt is the best sprinter of the world and is jamaican.

I like this place because is very beautiful and exotic. I svery cheapest, one month one thousand dolars for person.


This year in carnival went from cocrodile. We were twenty friends and we did a float.
We went six carnival's. The first week in Roses, friday and sunday morning and Sant Pere the saturday afternoon and night. And the second week we went in Empuriabrava friday night and sunday morning and saturday night in Castelló d'Empúries. We had a great year and the next year more. The sunday when we finished in Empuriabrava, in Castello we eat rice.
In roses won one prize, two hundred fifty euros and in Sant Pere one hundred fifty euros.
We are very happy and celebrated this prize making a dinner.

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Shutter Island

My favourite movie is called Shutter Island which is about a man called Edward Daniels who is interpreted by Leonardo DiCaprio and his new partner, Chuck Aule. They travel to the Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane in an island called Shutter Island. They are investigating the disappearance of a patient called Rachel Solando who was there because she killed her three children by throwing them in a lake. They have to solve a lot of problems that will bring them to know a big secret. 
The reason why I chose this movie is because it is an open-ended movie and about psychological thriller, which I think, it’s very interesting and fascinating. Apart from that movie. 

divendres, 11 de març del 2016

Self avaluation

I made an oral presentation with Norden Idir and we think that this issue has been quite interesting because we explaind one wap year in Jamaica. I'm explain introduction, history, politics and governament, economy, music and art. I thinks we made a quite good job though. I'm fail the pronunciation and any word. For example: the number 1962, monarch, originated...
I read a little bit. I'don't nervous. I'm very security. The presentation lasted eight minuts.
The video explain the most important places in Jamaica and is a very good video.
I'm prepare a lot this presentation and I'm not satisfaction with my note, my opinion with my mark is 7.