diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Gap year

Jamaica is one island situated in caribean sea. The capital of Jamaica is Kingston.  In this city there are 1 milion people. Jamaica is a very small island. In Kingston people speak English and potois the official lenguage in this country.
The island is divided in 14 parishes.  It's a tropical island. There are a lot of vegetables. Kingston is a very beautifull city become there are a lot of museums is a very exihibitions its history. The beaches is have clean water and the people swim with quietness. Next to the island there are small islands, the tourists visit these islands.  The typical plant is the Marihuana and the typical music is Regea.
Bob Marley is the king of reggea. Usaint Bolt is the best sprinter of the world and is jamaican.

I like this place because is very beautiful and exotic. I svery cheapest, one month one thousand dolars for person.

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