diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Describe my best friend

I  describe my friend Adrià, he is studing 2n of Batxillerat. He is a very good person. He is eighteen years old. I've knowns him for a long time.
He live in l'Armentera and studying in Castelló d'Empúries.

 He is tall and strong. He has black hair and brown eyes. Adria is a happy boy, likes laughing, telling jokes but he is a llittle bit stubbon.
He is the funniest of the group his personality encorages us all

In summer we always meet in  the afternon and go to the beahc, pool, we play football in l'armentera and go to the parties. He dosen't play any sport, he is all day playing compurtes games and playstation, is very addicted to games and Tv programmes.
This is my best friend.

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