diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


Athletic Club is my favourite team. Is the best team in the Pais Basc.
The last year change the stadium and make the new stadium by the ride.
Here name ins Nou San mames. In this stadium play the Athletic and selection basca.
The after season Athletic classified for the Champions League, before 40 years.
In this team only play players of the country. Aridz Aduriz is the best player.
They had be descalificate the Champions League and clasificate in the UEFA Europe League. The coach is Ernesto Valverde is very good coach.
This year 15-16 not started very good, is in place 10 of clasification.


Differencies and similitaries between Best of times book and flim Thirteen.
The similitaries: Tracy and Chee seng have family problems and they are prove the druggs.
They are adolescent, Tracy is thirteen years old and Chee Seng seventeen years old. They go with strange people and get in trouble.

The differencies: Tracy meets Evie, she's the most popular in the high school and Tracy also wants to be popular. Chee Seng meets a new people, Katin is the new friend.


I made an oral presentation with Norden Idir and we think tahat this issue has been quite interesting because we explaind differents types of wedding. Christian wedding, Jewish wedding, Double wedding, Military wedding, Civil wedding, Farmer wedding, Mas wedding, Vow renewal wedding.
And cultures, Muslim cultures, Chrisitan cultures, Jewish cultures, Hindu cultures and Chinese cultures.
They were so different and it was quite curious to look for the information.
I thinks we made a quite good job though. I fail but I learned a lot and I enjoyed baybe it was because I was too nervous and I didin't controls the situation.
I hope to pass the next oral presemtation and improve this kind of stuff.
I read a littel bit, because I'm not prepare the presentation, I'm infuse with Norden. The presentation lasted fourteen minuts.

In my opinion my mark is 6.


I live in Torroella de Fluvià, is small town in Alt Empordà.
In Torroella live three hundred persons.Torroella is composed by Vilacolum and Sant Tòmas de Fluvià. In Vilacolum there are on bar, football stadium, pool and a one beautifull church.
In Sant Tòmas there are a one church of the century eighteen.
In Torroella there are a bar, football field, medical center, shoop and a church. In this three small towns live people of all ages.The party town is in 29 of august.
The pattern town is Sant Cevrià. Every sunday there are a market. In Torroella pass the river Fluvià.

The best age

The best age for me is adulthood 65-70 years old because not work and not preocupations.
The governament pass the pension and live the life also prepare the inserso, this was traveling to a place of Spain. The mature people have more unhappy public transport, metro, bus... And entertrainment theater, cinema...
You can do what ever you want  when you want. Explain adventurs when I was little.
I like soo much this age because I prefer eighteen years old.

Magical gun

Once cupon a time, in the journey to Polonia in the final year of Batxillerat.
On day we visited the concentration camp, Norden and Luis got lost when the knew that they were lost, Norden started to search the road to go back with the class mates, when they found the road they saw a shock and they wouldn't resist the to temptation enter.
Inside the shack Luis started to search the map of the camp, and when the thought that he had the map he found a secret map. Norden had the idea to go to the point, market an the map, Luis started to quarnol Norden. He called Jordi, Alex and Maik and told the to go with him. They went the point of the map. When the arrived to the point. They found the magic gun. Maik had the fabulous idea, that was to conquer the world. All the groups were ok whit food. They did it in two days. in the end the conquered the world and the solar system. At the end we decided to give the power to Jordi.

Turkey to hand over Russian pilot's body after Syria downing

Turkey is preparing to send back to Moscow the body of the Russian pilot who was killed after his plane was shot down on the Syrian border.
Lt Col Oleg Peshkov's body was received by Turkish authorities at the Syrian border earlier in the day.
Turkish forces shot down the plane saying it had violated Turkish airspace, which Russia denies.
The incident has sparked a furious row between the two countries, with Russia announcing sanctions against Turkey.
Rebels from Syria's ethnic Turkmen community opened fire on Lt Col Peshkov and his co-pilot as they tried to parachute into government-held territory on Tuesday.
The rebels said he had died by the time he reached the ground.
His body was flown from the border to the Turkish capital Ankara on Saturday afternoon, from where it will be taken to Russia.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu added that Lt Col Peshkov's body had been treated in accordance with Orthodox Christian tradition.
Another pilot in the plane, Capt Konstantin Murakhtin, survived and was rescued from rebel-held territory in Syria in a special forces operation.
Capt Murakhtin said he wanted to go back to duty and stay in Syria, saying "someone has to pay" for his colleague's death.
A woman lays flowers at a tribute to Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov (L) and marine Alexander Pozynich (R) in Moscow
OPINION:Russia and Turkey make a tribut victims of the attack terrorist in Syria. A plane military russian passes trought Syria and the ISIS fired attack. The people of the plain died and today practice a tribut.



Don't wanna be an American idiot     
 Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Well maybe I'm the faggot America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Don't want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It's going out to idiot America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

No quiero ser un idiota americano,
no quiero una nación controlada por los medios,
puedes oir el sonido de la histeria?
la america que te revienta la mente.

Bienvenidos a un nuevo tipo de tensión,
todo a lo largo de esta tierra extraña,
donde nada se supone que tiene que estar bien,
sueños televisivos de mañana,
no somos nosotros quienes deben seguirlos,
porque eso es suficiente para discutir.

Pues tal vez soy de la america marica,
no soy parte de los mediocres de derecha,
ahora todos hagan la propaganda,
y canten juntos a la era de paranoia.

Bienvenidos a un nuevo tipo de tensión,
todo a lo largo de esta tierra extraña,
donde nada se supone que tiene que estar bien,
sueños televisivos de mañana,
no somos nosotros quienes deben seguirlos,
porque eso es suficiente para discutir.

No quiero ser un idiota americano,
una nación controlada por los medios,
era informática de la histeria,
esta llamanda para idiotizar a america.

Bienvenidos a un nuevo tipo de tensión,
todo a lo largo de esta tierra extraña,
donde nada se supone que tiene que estar bien,
sueños televisivos de mañana,
no somos nosotros quienes deben seguirlos,
porque eso es suficiente para discutir.

The song speak the american dream and the people of the America. And the group claims it don't wants to be american idiot. The title of the song is American Idiot.

American Sniper

Clint Eastwood is the director of this film. The actor is Bradley Cooper, is a very good actor. Another actor is Sienna Miller.
In this film Bradley makes a very good sniper and they is in the American army.
The movie is filmed in America. The film duration 132 minuts.
Is one sniper they want to protect the president but the people who contract make him a cheeting an shooting at the president. Say we was and they escapes. The police looks for them.
One friend helps find people who has done and kill them.
When it is innocent to search for his girldfriend and to live together.

Paris attacks: South Shields man survived Bataclan shootings

A British survivor of one of the attacks in Paris has described how he lay on his girlfriend as people were shot dead around them.
Michael O'Connor from South Tyneside was at the Bataclan concert venue when gunmen opened fire. He said the scene inside the concert venue was "like a slaughterhouse", and he thought he was going to die. So-called Islamic State (IS) has said it carried out a series of attacks which left 129 people dead. Mr O'Connor, from South Shields, said: "People [were] falling all over the place, people screaming and just clawing and running and pushing to get away.
"The attackers, I don't think I heard them saying anything or shouting anything or making any demands, they were just firing indiscriminately into the crowds."

OPINION: The day 13 of november two terrorists they will come in Batacalan with guns and go shooting people. Were in the room doing a concert, killed 129 people. Few survived and this is one history the person who survived. The police not catch the terrorist because there was a shootout and the police kill them.

Pro-independence parties in Spain's Catalonia region have won an absolute majority in regional elections.

The main separatist alliance and a smaller nationalist party won 72 seats in the 135-seat regional parliament.
However, the pro-independence parties fell just short of getting 50% of the vote, winning 1.9 million out of 4 million ballots cast.
The separatists say the victory gives them a clear mandate to form an independent Catalan state.
Spain's central government in Madrid has pledged to challenge any unilateral moves towards independence.

The "Junts per Si" ("Together for Yes") alliance won 62 seats. If it combines with the far-left separatist CUP party, which won 10 seats, it will be able to form a parliamentary majority.
"We have won," Catalan regional President Artus Mas told his cheering supporters late on Sunday.
After a celebration rally, the pro-independence camp's leaders said they would now proceed towards the creation of an independent Catalan state.
"We have a clear, absolute majority in the Catalan parliament to go ahead," Mr Mas said.


People react to the results of exit polls on September 27, 2015 in Barcelona

OPINION: The people in Catalunya are very angry. A lot of people wants independence and separate Catalunya- Espanya. The spanish governament does not like this idea, because differents opinions. The Catalunya governament many do things to achieve the independence.
I.'m Catalan and I like independence. I hope soon.

dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2015


Txarango is a music group that was created at 2010 by musicians of La garrotxa, el ripollès and other parts of Catalunya, when they started i thought they won't play good music but a day i started listening to their songs and i loved them and i listened them every day, i also learned all their songs. The first CD was nice but the one they have done this year is better, their songs are very cheerful and if you are sad they make you happy and forget all bad things, they also make you dance and sing.
I love them and i think they are one of the best catalan group, i know all their songs and listen to them but what i haven't done is going to a concert of them, i have only seen them online, I want to go to one and be part of the parties they make on their concerts, everybody singing, dancing and jumping, it's awesome.
When I go to a concert it will be like a dream that comes true and I will be very very happy, like a little boy with anew toy.

dimecres, 30 de setembre del 2015


This weekend in Abu-Dahbi is celebrate the last race F1 in 2014.
Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton fight for the first place for the champion of the world the Formula1. Lewis Hamilton was the favourite and he's won race and won the competition.
He's the bichampion of the world. In 2008 he won the competition.
Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg are in the same team. This team is Mercedes. Mercedes won the contructors champion with 701 points. Lewis Hamilton won 11 races and Nico Rosberg 5 races.
The champion have 384 points.

dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2015




My name is Jordi, I'm seventeen years old. I live in Torrroella de Fluvià. I'm catalan. I'm study in Castello d'Empuries. I study first batxillerat. My favourite food is pizza an rice. I lapy football in L'Escala. I like sports. I have two brothers, called Pau and Marc. My favourite color is blue and green. My favourite team is Athletic de Blibao and Girona FC. And my favourite subject is History.

This summer I was working with my father, the gardener, I like this job because is the nature. This year I'm very motivation because go study in Girona INEF.


Dear teacher,

My name is Jordi Nierga, I'm seventeen years old. I live in Torrella de Fluvià. I'm Catalan
I'm studing in Castello d'Empúries. I study first batxillerat. My favourite food is pizza and rice, and my favourite colur is green and blue. I play football in L'Escala in first division. I like sports. My favourite team is Athletic Club de Bilbao and Girona FC. And my favourite subject is history.

I have two brothers, called Pau and Marc.This summer I was working with my father, he is a gardener, I like this job because is in the nature. This year I'm very motivated because I would like to study in Girona INEF.

Best wishes,