dissabte, 21 de maig del 2016


Last day I was surfing the net and I saw a really interesting film in some pages that rate films, I was trying to find one related with sports and I found green street hooligans. 
That film is about a group of hooligans from the east of London who support West Ham. During the whole film they show how is the life of a hooligan, the always meet their friends and members of the firm and drink some beers and then they go to the stadium to watch the match. Another thing they also show is the rivality betwen firms, and the fights they have before or after the matches. They also travel away to support the team. The biggest rivality is with millwall and at the end of the film we can see it because they have a massive fight and there are also some deads.
I like this film because it shows the waya of living of the english hooligans. 

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