dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

La que se avecina

 "La que se avecina" is the spanish TV programme. It is the ninth season.  They apear quite famous actors in the Spanish Tv programmes. Happens in a community of neightbors. There are differents families with differents histories. There are always bad things happen. My favourite character is Amador. Ribas. He not luck with making but he does not give up, everything goes wrong. He is married and  has four childrens.  Also I like Anotnio Recio, is the typical spanish buisnessman. It has a fish company. His wife is very catolic person, they have a son, here name is Alba. Other family are Enrique Pastor the mayor of the municipatly, Araceli his wife and Dylan the son of his former partner. His ex-wife is Judit Becker. There are many more actors but the principals are these.

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